Ganbare Goemon - Boku Ga Dancer ni Natta Riyuu - Kira Kira Douchuu (SNES)
Word of the Day: 惑星 (noun) A planet.
Notes: 惑星 also forms the compound å°æƒ‘星 (noun: asteroid).
惑 appears in several similar words relating to confusion: The nouns 惑ㄠ(noun: perplexity) and 戸惑ㄠ(loss of bearings, confusion); the verbs 惑ㆠ(intransitive: to be perplexed), 戸惑ㆠ(intransitive: to be perplexed), and 惑ã‚ã™ (transitive: to perplex, confuse). 惑 also appears in the compounds 当惑 (noun, suru verb: bewilderment, confusion), and 迷惑 (noun, na- adjective: trouble, bother).
星 can be read by itself as ã»ã—(star). It appears in words like æµã‚Œæ˜Ÿ (noun: shooting star), 衛星 (noun: satellite), and 星座 (noun: constellation).
Tags: å°, 座, 当, è¡›, è¿·, 惑, 戸, 星, æµ